The International FNCA Workshop (Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia) on “Research Reactor Utilization” Project has completed its work in the National Nuclear Center of RK in Kurchatov.
During the working week, experts from 10 countries exchanged experience in the use of nuclear technologies in various sectors of the national economy of FNCA member countries, visited research complex RRC “Baikal-1”.
Supported by the US DOE and the Argonne National Laboratory, the work is continuing to implement the project on fuel enrichment reduction in IVG.1M and IGR research reactors of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
FNCA workshop participants noted that theme “Research Reactor Utilization” is a priority both for Kazakhstan and for the whole world.
This event was held within the framework of the action plan of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan item 2.5.
more detailed NNC RK.