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Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan
(Approved by Decision of the Presidium of KazNAEN of August 4, 2017)

General Provisions

  • The Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Committee) was established at the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences (hereinafter - KazNAEN) as a structural unit.
  • The Committee does not have the status of a legal entity, it is attached to the Presidium of KazNAEN), acts as the scientific and coordination advisory body of the KazNAEN Presidium.
  • The Committee was established to develop and strengthen international scientific ties and coordinate the participation of KazNAEN in the activities of the international non-governmental scientific organization Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, established in accordance with the resolution of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto of July 9, 1955. at an international conference of scientists, held July 7-10, 1957 in Paguosh (Canada).
  • The Committee in its activity is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the statute of KazNAN, decisions of KazNaEN, orders and orders of the President of KazNAEN, statutory and programmatic documents of the Pugwash movement of scientists and this Statute.
  • The Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Presidium of KazNAEN and its apparatus, offices, regional branches, as well as with international governing bodies of the Pugwash movement of scientists and national Pugwash Committees. The Committee cooperates with scientific organizations, higher educational institutions, public and professional associations, and mass media.
  • KazNAEN carries out the financial, material, technical and economic support of the Committee and, in accordance with the established procedure, pays an annual membership fee in the Pugwash movement of scientists.
  • The Presidium of KazNAN provides the Committee with the necessary organizational and informational assistance in its work, including technical support of the work of the Committee's official website.
  • The seat of the Committee is Astana.
  • The official name of the Committee is:in Russian - the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan; in English -Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan.
  • The Committee has typographical forms with the designation of its name, internal printing and stamps.
  • The Regulations on the Committee and any changes therein are approved by the presidium of KazNAEN upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Committee.
  • The main activities of the Committee in accordance with its main tasks, the Committee:
  • within the limits of its competence, contributes to the achievement of the goals and facilitates the implementation of the main tasks and functions of KazNAEN;
  • organizes and coordinates international and interregional scientific cooperation on disarmament, arms control, nonproliferation, reduction and prohibition of weapons of mass destruction, general and regional security, energy and environmental security, development of international and interregional scientific links, social responsibility of the scientific community, history of science and international relations;
  • organizes the preparation for conferences of the Pugwash movement of scientists, other events of the Pugwash movement of scientists, approves the subject of reports and the personal composition of the Kazakhstan participants in the activities of the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • Kazakhstan, in consultation with the KazNAEN presidium, for the election to the leadership positions of the Pugwash movement of scientists, the Council and Executive Committee of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists, other permanent governing and advisory bodies of the Pugwash Science Movement;
  • maintains constant contact with the international governing bodies of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists and national Pugwash Committees;
  • conducts correspondence on all issues of the Committee's activities, including those related to the preparation of conferences and other events held by the Committee and the Pugwash Movement of Scientists;
  • informs the presidium of KazNAEN, interested departments, institutions and organizations and individual scientists about the decisions of the Committee, the Council, the Executive Committee and the secretariat of the Pugwash movement of scientists, as well as the results and recommendations of the activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • promotes the establishment and development of links between Kazakhstani scientific organizations, higher education institutions and individual scientists with the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • facilitates the exchange of scientific literature and information of Kazakhstani participants of the Pugwash movement of scientists with other international unions and scientific non-governmental organizations, with which KazNAEN cooperates;
  • promotes the involvement of young scientists and specialists of scientific organizations and higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan in the activities of the Pugwash movement of scientists, their participation in the activities of the International Student and Youth Pugwash Movement.
  • Rights of the Committee
  • The Committee has the right:
  • in the prescribed manner, within the framework of their competence, submit to the Presidium of KazNAEN the draft decisions of the Presidium of KazNAEN and other proposals and recommendations;
  • to submit in the established order to the presidium of KazNaEN proposals on sending members and employees of KazNAEN to the activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • to submit proposals on proposals of the international governing bodies of the Pugwash movement of scientists to the Presidium of KazNAEN on the amount of the annual membership fee of the Pagushka Committee of Kazakhstan in the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • To participate in the organization and holding of international, national and regional conferences, symposiums, readings, seminars, official visits of the leaders of the Pugwash movement of scientists and its national committees, as well as memorial and anniversary events in the framework of the main activities of the Committee and the Pugwash University in Kazakhstan, in consultation with the KazNAEN Presidium. the movement of scientists;
  • participate in the organization and conduct of videoconferences, forums and other events in accordance with the current legislation using the information and telecommunications network "Internet";
  • participate in the organization and holding of exhibitions and presentations on the main activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • to submit in the established order to the Presidium of KazNaNen proposals for financing the activities specified in paragraphs 3.5., 3.6. and 3.7. of these Regulations;
  • organize the preparation for printing of information and reference bulletins, booklets and brochures related to the main activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • to submit in accordance with the established procedure to the Presidium of KazNAEN for approval of the manuscript of monographs, collections of scientific articles, proceedings and abstracts of conferences, symposiums and seminars, as well as manuscripts of popular scientific publications on the main activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • have a website in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and a page in the corresponding section of the official site of KazNAEN in the information and telecommunication network "Internet";
  • request, in the prescribed manner, in the Presidium of KazNAN, offices, regional offices, regional branches, information on the activities of KazNANEN related to the performance of the Committee's functions;
  • to request from the members of the Committee, individual scientists and specialists the theses and texts of reports prepared for speeches at conferences and other events held by the Committee and the Pugwash Movement of Scientists;
  • request in due course from Kazakhstani scientific organizations information on the conducted research on the main activities of the Committee and the Pugwash movement of scientists;
  • awarding individuals and legal entities with diplomas and letters of thanks of the Committee for great services to the Committee, active participation in the Pugwash movement of scientists, contribution to the preparation, organization and conduct of the Committee's activities. 
  • Activities of the Committee
  • The Committee carries out its activities:
  1. 1)  by considering relevant issues at their meetings;
  2. 2) by participating in the organization and conduct of full-time and correspondence scientific international, all-Russian and regional events (conferences, sessions, schools, symposiums, seminars, meetings), commemorative and memorial meetings, and conferences and thematic forums in the information and telecommunications network "Internet";
  3. 3) by the implementation of the decisions of the Committee by the members of the Committee, the resolutions of the Committee, the instructions of the Chairman of the Committee.
  • Meetings of the Committee are held as necessary, but not less than once a year. The agenda of the meetings, the time and place of their holding are approved by the Chairman of the Committee. The Committee is authorized to consider all issues within the competence of the Committee, hear reports and reports of Committee members and individual scientists on the main activities of the Committee.Decisions of the Committee are made if at least half of its members have a simple majority of votes by open voting and are drawn up in the form of minutes signed by the chairman and the scientific secretary of the Committee.
  • Distribution of duties between the chairman, deputy chairmen, academic secretary is carried out by the chairman of the Committee.
  • The Chairman of the Committee manages the activities of the Committee, represents the Committee in the Presidium of KazNAEN, directs the international activities of the Committee, represents the Committee in the international governing bodies of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists, ministries, departments and organizations, conducts Committee Committee meetings, and resolves other issues of the Committee's current activities.In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee, one of the deputy chairmen of the Committee shall perform his duties.
  • The activities of the Committee are provided by the Secretary of the Committee, which cooperates with the Presidium of KazNAEN and its staff, the Secretariat of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists, other organizations and the media, and ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Committee and the instructions of the Chairman of the Committee.
  • Members of the Committee do not have the right to speak on behalf of the Committee without agreement with the Chairman of the Committee.
  • The general management of the Committee is the Presidium of KazNAEN.
  • The Committee annually reports to the Presidium of KazNAEN and to the international governing bodies of the Pugwash Movement of Scientists on its activities.
  • Composition and structure of the Committee
  1. 1) The Committee consists of the chairman, deputy chairmen, secretary and members of the Committee.
  2. 2) The composition of the Committee and any changes in the composition are approved by the Presidium of KazNAEN on the proposal of the Chairman of the Committee for a period of five years.