The secretariat of the PCK informs:
On July 14, 2022, a solemn event, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Company, was held in Shymkent with the participation of representatives of all subsidiaries of NAC Kazatomprom JSC,and at the invitation of the organizing Committee, this event was attended by B.M. Ibraev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, member of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan under the Presidium of KazNANS, Chairman of VNSEI at the NSK who spoke on behalf of veterans of nuclear science, energy and industry of Kazakhstan.
He emphasized the importance of the contribution of veterans to the development of the nuclear industry in our country and drew attention to the fact that currently veterans of the industry are more in demand on the foreign labor market, for example in Namibia, Mongolia, the Czech Republic, and the Russian Federation.
He proposed to involve the competence of veterans to upgrate the skills of employees and improve the overall quality of all the Company's activities and that it would be possible to significantly raise the capitalization of NAC, practically without cost, if we move from a national to a transnational company and that NAC Kazatomprom JSC is able to do this.
He wished great success to the Company, health to the employees and their families, as well as healthy spirit and courage to the Company itself!
More information about the event can be found on the NSK's website.