International Exhibition of Nuclear Technologies KazAtomExpo

The PCK Secretariat reports that the International Exhibition KazAtomExpo was held from 27 to 28 August 2024 at the EXPO International Exhibition Center. The event is the largest event in Kazakhstan dedicated to nuclear technologies and the nuclear industry. As part of the International Exhibition of Nuclear Technologies KazAtomExpo, a plenary session was held dedicated to current issues of the development of the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan. The event was attended by members of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan, as well as leading industry experts, representatives of industry companies - JSC NAC Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants LLP, ALE Kazakhstan Electric Power Association, RSE National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSE Institute of Nuclear Physics.

The session participants discussed a wide range of issues related to the current state and prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Kazakhstan. Particular attention was paid to the following topics:

  • The role of nuclear energy in the country's energy balance, where experts discussed the contribution of nuclear energy to ensuring Kazakhstan's energy security, its role in reducing the carbon footprint and diversifying energy sources.
  • Technological development: session participants shared their experience in implementing innovative technologies in the nuclear industry, discussed prospects for the development of new reactor installations and safety systems.
  • Kazakhstan's potential for uranium mining: current state and prospects.

The members of the PCK took an active part in the work of the exhibition and spoke at plenary sessions.

"If we talk about the advantages, the construction of the NPP will lead to the growth of the scientific, technical and highly qualified human resources potential of the country, the creation of new jobs during construction up to 8,000 people and high-quality personnel up to 2,000 people during the operation period, the development of local industry, the comprehensive use of the potential of our own fuel base, ensuring reliable energy supply to consumers for more than 60 years. In general, the construction of the NPP also has a number of other economic, social, technical and environmental advantages," noted T.M. Zhantikin, member of the PCK, General Director of LLP "KNPP" in his speech.

The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with its broad and modern experimental base, acted as the flagship of the country's nuclear industry.

- Considering the topic of the exhibition and the competence of the National Nuclear Center, special attention in the exposition is paid to solving the issues of nuclear energy safety. One of the main competencies of the enterprise is the work to improve safety and reduce the risks of negative impact on the population and the environment of promising and currently used nuclear power reactors, which the NNC RK carries out practically with the main developers of nuclear energy technologies. The center has also implemented a number of large research projects jointly with leading organizations in Japan, France, Russia and others - noted the Head of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Erlan Batyrbekov during an interview.

According to Sayabek Sakhiev, Director General of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazAtomExpo is an excellent opportunity for scientists and researchers to share their achievements and find new partners for joint projects.

"Currently, the Institute of Nuclear Physics is the only research organization in Kazakhstan in the field of using atomic energy for peaceful purposes, where a full cycle of scientific research and experimental design work is carried out. The Institute's specialists are actively working on testing materials for new-generation nuclear reactors and thermonuclear installations, and also apply nuclear technologies in medicine, industry and science. The Institute is a leader in the production of radiopharmaceuticals, annually providing 90% of the domestic market of Kazakhstan. This not only contributes to the development of medical diagnostics and treatment, but also strengthens national independence in the field of nuclear technology, confirming the status of Kazakhstan as one of the leading players in the world arena of atomic science and technology. We are confident that the results of this exhibition will make a significant contribution to the development of world atomic science," emphasized the Director general of the Institute S. Sakhiev.

The exhibition also included plenary sessions with the participation of leading world and Kazakhstani experts and scientists, during which the participants discussed the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Kazakhstan, including the construction of a new nuclear power plant and the expansion of the use of nuclear energy in various sectors of the economy, as well as issues of the safety and reliability of nuclear energy and areas of international cooperation in this area.

Potential vendors for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan acted as foreign exhibitors – China National Nuclear Corporation, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Électricité de France, State Corporation Rosatom, who presented their nuclear technologies, achievements, current projects and plans to the public.

Taking into account the annually growing energy deficit, the officially adopted course of the Government of Kazakhstan on the transition to carbon-free energy, as well as the availability of a raw material and production base in the country, the development of the nuclear energy industry in Kazakhstan is a logical and natural step.

Source: Press Service of Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants LLP.