October 2, 2023 President of Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan, Professor Shkolnik V.S. took part as an honorary guest at the award ceremony for the winners of the competition “Zhyl Kyzmetkeri - 2023”, which is annually held by NAC Kazatomprom JSC.
At the opening of the event, the CEO of Kazatomprom, M. Yussupov and Professor V. Shkolnik made a welcoming speech with warm wishes.
“Zhyl Kyzmetkeri” is a solemn ceremony honoring the best workers in the nuclear industry. The annual event was timed to coincide with the professional holiday - Nuclear Industry Workers' Day, which is aimed at recognizing the merits of the national holding's employees, strengthening non-material motivation for work, as well as increasing the prestige of working specialties. As part of this event, the winners were awarded in the categories “Professional”, “Mentor”, “Perspective”, etc.
This year, 200 employees were recommended by Kazatomprom’s subsidiaries to participate in the competition. 25 finalists were awarded the “Zhyl Kyzmetkeri” Award in the categories "Professional", "Mentor" and "Perspective".
All the winners of the contest were awarded statuettes, diplomas and personalized souvenirs.
Source: http://nuclear.kz, https://www.kazatomprom.kz.