3rd meeting of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan

On December 27, 2019, in Almaty, the 3rd meeting of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan ended in the Center for Nuclear Technology Safety at KAZNAEN.

It was attended by members of the Committee, recently elected members of the Youth Department of the Committee, as well as invitees - B.A. Zhaparov, Director of the KazRENA Center, Kh. S. Tasibekov, Dean of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, al-Farabi KazNU, A.T. Akhmetov - Founder and Director of the Non-profit Center for International Security and Politics, and members of the NSK.

The Chairman of the Committee, Professor V.S. Shkolnik, made an introductory speech at the meeting of the Committee, who noted the importance of the work carried out by the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan and its relevance at the present time, since today Pugwash is looking for a world free of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

Thanks to the “Dialogue between the Parties” tradition, which brought the Nobel Peace Prize to the international Pugwash movement, it continues to develop and support the use of scientific ideas based on evidence from political decisions, focusing its attention on areas where there are risks, including with nuclear weapons. The nuclear threat has by no means diminished, despite the tremendous efforts of all the people who are worried about the future.

V. Shkolnik informed that the leadership of the PDU announced the conduction of the 63rd General (five-year) Pugwash Conference of Scientists, which will be held in Doha (Qatar) from March 1 to 5, 2020. The subject of the Doha conference is “Dialogue, Not Confrontation: Nuclear Risks and Conflict Resolution”.

He also recalled that at the last annual meeting of the PCK, a more extensive list of threats was formulated that awaits our civilization, given the rapid development. At the end of the meeting, an exchange of views was held among those present on this issue.

Secretary of the Committee, Professor T.Z. Akhmetov presented the reporting information “On the implementation of the “PCK Action Plan for 2019” and submitted for discussion the draft “PCK Action Plan for 2020”.

The meeting participants made suggestions, based on which decisions were made:

  • The Committee carried out almost all activities in accordance with the “Action Plan of PCK for 2019”, approved by the decision of the Presidium of KazNAEN on March 14, 2019.
  • The Secretariat to finalize the draft “PCK Action Plan for 2020”, taking into account the proposals made.
  • The secretariat to prepare a draft “PCK Action Plan for 2020” and an updated members of the Committee for approval by the KazNAEN Presidium.